Calling all future guard members!

This summer, boys and girls grades 1-8 have an amazing opportunity to march with an Elementary/Middle School group in the CarmelFest July 4th Parade!
This is a great chance for younger color guard enthusiasts to get a better idea of the joys of performance! There will be five rehearsals conducted by Carmel Guard alumni & JV Guard staff members, in order to teach interested kids a flag and rifle routine for the parade.
Everyone is encouraged to participate! It will be an experience your kids will not want to miss!
Who? Any girl OR boy in CCS, grades 1-8 who wants to participate in the color guard experience, spin flags and rifles and march in a parade!
What? The CarmelFest July 4th Parade
When? Rehearsals will be held on these dates at Carmel High School:
May 31 6-8pm June 7 6-8pm June 14 6-8pm June 21 6-8pm June 28 6-8pm July 4th 9am-12pm
Cost? $45 - includes a t-shirt for marchers!
Sign up here. Email with any questions!