Tree Removal Necessary
The project of removing at-risk trees from West Park is anticipated to start Monday, February 5, with an end date of Friday, March 30.

As identified, the restoration, enhancement and management of natural areas is one of the guiding principles for West Park. Through an inventory of the 40-acre parcel located immediately west of the existing park along 116th street, 500 at-risk trees were identified in the woods, predominately Ash trees killed by the Emerald Ash Borer (this is a devastation that has hit Hamilton County and the state, not just our parks).
The master plan for the renovation of the park outlines a goal to develop interpretive trails and adventure play experiences, so it’s critical we remove the at-risk trees prior to development.
The goal is to minimize the amount of impact to the woods and be conscious of the project and what is taking place such as preserving and protecting park land. There will be an arborist onsite to ensure the tree removal process is conducted in a manner to minimize damage to the healthy trees, the natural understory, existing wildlife and wildflowers.
While removing trees and wildlife is never the preferred way to proceed, unfortunately it is paramount to ensure public safety. Unfortunately mother nature has not been kind to these trees, so there is no choice.