Take Time for Family Fun at Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation
It's fall - take time for family fun at Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation. There are numerous programs that encourage family participation.
Now that the family is settling into a fall routine, it’s a good time to think about carving out a few hours for special time with those people you live with! Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation (CCPR) has a number of unique programs that promote a family experience now through December.
While hundreds of programs for every age, level and ability are offered each season, CCPR is particularly excited to offer opportunities for families to engage, connect and play together. Among the exciting and unique programs offered:
Family night hikes are scheduled for October 15 – 19 and a family “Take a Hike” is scheduled for November 17.
Family Archery Day is an adaptive program set for October 6, perfect for a family who have members with disabilities.
Part of the My Parks series, Indiana’s prairie past will be revealed during a (free) guided walk at West Park September 27 from 6 – 7 p.m. While this program is recommended for those over 16, it’s a great activity for families with teenagers for whom family time becomes a challenge!
Volunteer as a family! CCPR has numerous opportunities to volunteer, and we love putting family groups to work!
CCPR offers three ways to register for classes: Online at carmelclayparks.com, by visiting the Monon Community Center or printing a registration form from the website and mailing it in. For information about volunteering, contact Rachael Fleck, Volunteer Project Coordinator, at 317.573.4043 or at rfleck@carmelclayparks.com.